Buy Here Pay Here Car Dealer in St. Louis, MO

Buy Here Pay Here Car Dealer in St. Louis

Buy Here Pay Here Car Dealer in St. Louis

One Owner Cars for Sale in St. Louis

It is never easy to go car hunting, with the intent of having an easy sales experience and walking off of the lot with the car of choice the same day. So many car dealerships guarantee approvals, but unfortunately when it becomes crunch time, they are not as good as their word. Here at 5 Star Auto Plaza, we are committed to accommodating every customer and getting them into the car of their choice, typically on the same day. As the best Buy Here Pay Here car dealer in St. Louis, we want to build our clients for life.

What exactly is a Buy Here Pay Here dealership? Basically, 5 Star Auto Plaza does not depend on any outside financial corporations for any of its decision-making. We make all of our financial decisions in-house, which allows to extend more liberal credit options. Also, other car dealerships that have special relationships with lenders must send their credit applications out to those lenders. Not only can they take days to make a decision, for those with poor credit, the decision is typically a denial. The car dealership’s hands are truly tied when it comes to guaranteed approvals, because they outsource their financing.

Because we do make all of our own financial decision, we can also pay top dollar for any trade-in vehicle brought into the dealership. Having a trade-in can significantly lower the monthly payment, or completely eliminate the down payment. For those on a budget, this is a really important step.

To find out more about the best Buy Here Pay Here car dealer in St. Louis, stop by our West Clay Street location or give 5 Star Auto Plaza a call at (636)940-7600. We also have the largest selection of cars, trucks, and SUVs in the greater St. Louis area.
